Whapmagoostui Sundance
A Journey of Self-discovery
We dance for life!
In a Sundance Ceremony, we dance for our healing and well-being, for loved ones, friends and others who may be ill or facing life’s difficult challenges, for our communities and our nation. We dance for the healing of Mother Earth, for the well-being of our relatives in the Natural world, and our human family. We dance for life (pemadsewin) so that the future of our children and generations to come may be peaceful, bright and prosperous!
Upcoming events
Sundance Meetings/Singings
- 1st Sundance Meeting, Jan. 22, 2023 - Val D'Or, QC
- 2nd Sundance Meeting, March 15, 2023 - Whapmagoostui, Qc
- 3rd Sundance Meeting, June 3, 2023 - Whapmagoostui, QC
- 4th Sundance Meeting, July 6, 2023 - Whapmagoostui, QC

Come and Join Us!
Anyone may attend a Sundance and a Sundance Meeting/Singing. You may come as a supporter, a dancer, a helper, a healer, a volunteer or an observer!
Everyone is welcome!
Let Us Build a Peaceful Future for our Youth!